How Complex Manufacturers Can Help Build a Circular Economy

How Complex Manufacturers Can Help Build a Circular Economy

The circular economy is not a new idea. In 1987, the United Nations published the Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future, which called attention to the global issue of diminishing natural resources and introduced the concept...
How the Circular Economy Can Solve the Plastic Problem

How the Circular Economy Can Solve the Plastic Problem

The current economy we live in is linear: we take from the earth, we make products, and then we throw them away. This model is unsustainable for both people and planet. In contrast, the circular economy provides an alternative that is regenerative which benefits the...
The Case for a Circular Economy: Brendan Seale of IKEA Canada

The Case for a Circular Economy: Brendan Seale of IKEA Canada

Believing that the ‘circular’ economy is vital to the future of business in Canada, a number of business leaders, academics and non-governmental organizations recently launched a new organization called the Circular Economy Leadership Coalition (CELC). The...

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