I awaken to a sheet of mist blanketing the lakefront outside my window, underscoring an eerie yet magical sense of calm. Within the hour it will disappear, much like the stress I carried as baggage upon my arrival a day earlier. Indeed, as the mist evaporates, clarity...
Now in its 16th year, the Reelworld Film Festival is dedicated to harnessing the power of film as a force for social good. Believing stories are the beginning of great solutions, the Festival’s mission is to unlock the power of film by connecting inspired people...
The Cook County Commission on Social Innovation was pioneered in an effort to reduce the burgeoning effects of poverty in Chicago and the surrounding neighborhoods. With a goal of total transformation, it hopes to provide a model for other cities working towards...
So here’s the good news: shoppers are becoming increasingly aware of the questionable ingredients that many companies put in their products. Here’s the bad news: Not knowing where else to turn, these same shoppers look to brands that use marketing...
Zamcog is a London-based charity founded by philanthropist, entrepreneur and investor Julie-Anne Uggla. It raised more than £5m, to help school thousands of disadvantaged, orphaned and highly vulnerable children in Zambia. And recently 12 orphans and vulnerable...