Sustainability At Your Table: Lauren Gropper of Repurpose

Sustainability At Your Table: Lauren Gropper of Repurpose

Lauren Gropper is the founder and CEO of Repurpose, which produces plant-based tableware that fully break down. She founded the company in 2010 to extend the disposable lifespan of single-use products and reduce waste. Repurpose also happens to be the first tableware...
How the Circular Economy Can Solve the Plastic Problem

How the Circular Economy Can Solve the Plastic Problem

The current economy we live in is linear: we take from the earth, we make products, and then we throw them away. This model is unsustainable for both people and planet. In contrast, the circular economy provides an alternative that is regenerative which benefits the...
Confused About Sustainable Packaging? This primer can help

Confused About Sustainable Packaging? This primer can help

Now more than ever, people are considering how the merchandise they purchase will impact the environment. As sustainability trends increase, companies will need to adapt their packaging or be left behind on the shelf. New initiatives, such as the New Plastics Economy...
Fighting Plastic Waste: Rena Nickerson of SodaStream

Fighting Plastic Waste: Rena Nickerson of SodaStream

Subscribe: SpotifyBy now we’re all aware of the damage being done to our planet due to the high rate of plastic waste. Recent studies suggest that over eight million tons of plastic is dumped into our oceans and that we’re producing nearly 300 million tons of plastic...

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