Bringing Transparency and Traceability to the Seafood Industry

Bringing Transparency and Traceability to the Seafood Industry

When you browse the fish counter or order off a seafood menu, can you be sure the species label is accurate and the fish was caught or farmed ethically? In many cases, the answer is no. A 2014 report in Marine Policy estimates that over 20 percent of wild-captured...
Students Win National Kindness Challenge

Students Win National Kindness Challenge

Three Jacksonville students got a big surprise last week. It started like any other morning for Billy, Chris, and Nick, who walked into Robert E. Lee High School and headed to first period with Ms. Donofrio. Things took a turn as they were greeted by a PA announcement...
Cambodian Company “Closes the Loop” with Zero-Waste Fashion

Cambodian Company “Closes the Loop” with Zero-Waste Fashion

We live in an increasingly waste-filled world, and clothing companies are some of the worst offenders. Cloth left on the cutting room floor is discarded; materials that could be recycled are thrown away. Enter Tonlé, the fashion company that has chosen to respond to...
JUMP Math: Subtracting anxiety from the equation

JUMP Math: Subtracting anxiety from the equation

Math-phobia is a regular occurrence for Canadian students who often shy away from the fearsome and seemingly complicated subject. It’s no surprise that half of sixth graders in Ontario, Canada failed to meet provincial math standards last year. But John Mighton,...
Investing in a Greener Future with CoPower

Investing in a Greener Future with CoPower

CoPower is a Canadian investment firm that is pioneering solutions in the field of green energy investment. Recently the company was awarded 2016 Social Enterprise of the Year at MaRS Social Finance Forum in Toronto, a title reserved for businesses driven towards...

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